Happy Holidays from the Python Software Foundation!
The holiday season gets us thinking about all that we have accomplished over the past year and about those we are grateful for. This year we have kept the mission of the PSF alive by planning conferences, promoted diversity outreach, organizing workshops, and granting community service awards. We look forward to keeping it going in the year ahead!
The PSF would not be what it is today without the help of our generous sponsors. The PSF is the non-profit legal entity that holds and protects the intellectual property rights behind Python, keeping it free and open for all to use. Our sponsors' financial support aids in the PSF’s mission to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language. In addition to enabling the PSF to organize events and award grants, it allows key Python developers to focus their energy on Python development rather than on legal matters. And, donations are tax-deductible for organizations that pay taxes in the United States!
Thank you to our newest sponsors in 2016!
In addition to our new sponsors, trusted sponsors like FusionBox keep great events like PyConUS going. We would not be able to do it without them.
To learn more about Sponsor levels and the benefits of becoming a sponsor, check out our Sponsor Info page. And finally, a huge thank you to all of our sponsors for their support throughout the years!
If you value what we do here at the PSF, please consider making a charitable donation by visiting our donations page.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season from all of us at PSF!